Friday, April 29, 2011

At Least…

So tell me – what’s the first thing that pops into your mind when I tell you that I hit a bunny rabbit on the way into work?

I know… I feel horrible about it.  Poor thing 

So what did my co-worker say when I mentioned it?

“…At least it was after Easter.”

Was I wrong to laugh?

Friday, April 22, 2011


Holiday weekend.

I’m sick.

Need I say more?

I could be accomplishing so much. 

It’s not fair.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Bullets

  • This weather is making me very crabby and grumpy.  I’m sick of rain.  I’m sick of mud.  I’m REALLY sick of cold, cold wind.  Right now it’s snowing.  Hard.  This is the total opposite of last year’s most wonderful spring.  That being said, my grass needs cutting already.

 Looking out the front window

  • We’ve had two family birthdays this month already and one more coming at the end of the month… April is a happy, but expensive month around here!


  • I’ve been feeling hopelessly lazy lately.  I have so many things that I want to get done, but when I have the time, I just don’t feel like doing any of them.


  • Most of The Ladies are laying every day now, which is a good thing.  One of the adopted ladies is still eating some of the eggs tho’ – I caught her again today.  They all seem to be getting on OK now, except for the  Polish chicken - she is still getting picked on badly.  I have the stuff to build her own private place, but I would like to have some nice weather to get it put together…


  • It cost me over $65 to fill my gas tank today.  Do you know how many hours I have to work for that?  A lot 


  • I love OK GO – they are especially creative with their videos… they never fail to disappoint me!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Last week my sister got a new puppy.

This weekend I’m “baby” sitting her already  laughing

I miss having a dog around since Mittsy left me. Casey is soooo cute – but because she’s so little, she needs a lot of watching…  If I were to get my own dog again, I think I’d have to get one that’s a little older and already house-trained.  I feel like I’m taking her outside every hour, just to make sure that she doesn’t make a mess in the house  rolleyes  I think for now, just having a part-time dog is perfect for me.

She still has that irresistible puppy-breath and those oh-so-cute puppy-paws…

I found out that she’s afraid of The Ladies, but even tho’ they are three times her size and ten times her number, The Ladies are even more afraid of her  laughing   Of course that made it impossible to get any good chicken-and-dog pictures 



Sleepy Casey

…and she can fall asleep anywhere  laughing