Friday, November 6, 2009


There are a bunch of blogs that I enjoy following.  I subscribe to them by RSS feed and I usually peruse the bookmarks to see if there are any new posts so I don’t have to visit every blog every day (way too many blogs for that!).   I don’t know if that is how the rest of world follows blogs, but that’s how I’ve always done it…

I’ve noticed the past month or so, it takes a really long time for new posts to reach my bookmarks, and I don’t know why.  I’ll see a new post someone put up and when I go to visit the blog, it looks like the entry was posted a day earlier.

If that happened with only one or two blogs, it wouldn’t bother me so much – I’d figure that the entry was pre-dated or something, but it seems to happen with most of the blogs I follow.   I even see it with my blog when I post a new entry.

I guess in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of a deal, but I wonder why that happens…


Becky said...

I never remember to look at my Google reader, but I finally noticed that a number of the blogs weren't updating on my sidebar (my usual first line source of reading). Only two, by the Buckley Brothers, appear abandoned, the rest..??

I may switch that list to google reader link instead of the blogger thing, but maybe it's an internet problem.

Jill said...

Well at least the problem may not be just with me... If you do update your reader, it will be interesting to see if there is any change. Thanks for the insight!