Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Growing up, The Far Side was far and away my most favorite comic.  It was a sad day when Gary Larson decided to stop drawing his cartoons.  I loved his twisted sense of humor – I don’t think there wasn’t a cartoon he drew that I didn’t like.  I still pull out my Far Side books from time to time and I laugh, no matter how many times I’ve read them.

I came across another comic that is just as funny.  It’s called Tundra and is written by Chad Carpenter.  His ‘about’ page doesn’t mention if Chad knew or was influenced by Gary Larson, but the style is similar – and I love it!  If I had the extra cash, I would definitely get the box calendar

Here are a couple comics from the website – enjoy!




Pictures are copyrighted by Tundra Comics 2009

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