Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Our Independence Day celebration was yesterday at my sister’s house – she always throws a great 4th of July party (but to be fair, it’s also a celebration for my brother-in-law’s birthday which was on the 1rst…)

fourth of july 01 

4th of July!                                                                             

My contribution to the festivities was a yummy fruit basket…

Fruit Basket


This year we didn’t have an inferno fire, but I did learn about Sobe bombs!

Sobe bomb


Happy Birthday America!

fourth of july 02



* No one was harmed in the making of the above photographs **

** Well, except for a bit of a burn on the leg when someone was putting a Sobe bomb in the fire – but the burn was from actually stepping into the fire, not the result of any explosion or explosive device  rolleyes

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